Sunday, December 21, 2014

Week 18

Week 18 - Crazy result this week.  I lost 5.9 lbs.  This on the heels of a slight gain last week.  I'm thinking this anomaly has a lot to do with just normal biological factors.  I'm happy about the weight loss this week, but I'm kind of leery about what next week will show.

My wonderful daughter and I made Christmas cookies this week. I cannot lie, I CHEATED!!  I had one of my favorite cookies and one piece of fudge. (and yet I lost almost 6 pounds,  Could this be my new Christmas cookie diet?? LOL.. NO!!!)  Baking Christmas cookies with my mom is a fond memory I will always cherish, baking Christmas cookies with my daughter is another memory that I will always cherish.  It was really hard not licking the spoon, taking samples, picking at the batter, but I was good.  I just had one each of the finished product to make sure they came out okay.  (pssst. they did!)  

So is anybody reading this blog?  I'd like to think so, but I don't know.  So here's an experiment.  If you've read my post this week, leave a comment at the bottom.

Butter Ball Cookies (My Favorite Christmas Cookie)

Merry Christmas everyone!!  Until next week.


  1. If you've read this post, leave a comment!!! Merry Christmas!!!

  2. I cheated with cookies as well. Ugh


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