Friday, August 15, 2014


I went to see Olivia Newton-John @olivianj in Las Vegas on August 5, 2014.  I was fortunate enough to meet this wonderful lady and had my picture taken with her.  That picture was a wake up call for me.. I was so looking forward to have my picture taken with Olivia. I was going to be so proud of that picture and plaster it everywhere on social media.  I was going to brag that I had met Olivia.  But after I looked at the picture, my heart sank. Olivia was beautiful. I, on the other hand, was this huge, obese person with the shell shocked look on my face. I was MORBIDLY OBESE AGAIN.  I'm actually embarrassed of this picture.  During her concert, Olivia spoke of her health and wellness center in Australia. I was this fat guy, meeting this healthy living legend and getting my picture taken showing all my unhealthiness.   This picture was my wake up call for me.  Olivia was nice, polite and cordial, but I can't help thinking that she was thinking "Oh my God, this guy is so fat and so unhealthy."   So here's the picture. It was my wake up call. Hopefully, when I get down to my goal weight, Olivia would be gracious enough to take another picture with me.  A picture that I can be truly proud of.. 

August 5, 2014

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