Monday, August 18, 2014


Yay! Day 1 is over!  I'm on my way!  It was a totally uneventful day.  Everyone says the first 3 days of any diet are the worst.  It's those days that your body is getting use to the lack of __________ (fill in the blank) from caffeine, sugar, carbs, to fat.   So far, I have no cravings and feel quite satisfied.  I did my 1st trip to Subway.  I plan on visiting @Subway a lot during my diet for a couple reasons.  Their low fat menu options fit in quite well with my diet plan and goal and it's quick and easy.  

I LOVE to cook, but since I'm living alone, cooking a lot just for me doesn't seem worth the effort.  The closest @Subway to my home is 2.4 miles.  That's almost 5 miles round trip.  For now, I'm driving, but as the pounds come off, I plan on walking or riding a bike to that Subway.  What a great way to get some exercise and a healthy meal!

Here's what I ate yesterday....

8/17/2014 Fat Fiber Calories Protein
Peach 0.4 2.2 59 1.4
Yogurt 0 0 120 12
Walnuts* 0 2 190 4
Almonds* 0 3 160 6
Subway Oven Roasted Chicken   5 5 320 23
1 cup Brown Rice 1.8 3.5 216 5
1 cup Black Beans 1 15 227 15
Total 8.2 30.7 1292 66.4
*Fat in Nuts are not Counted.

I met my goals of less that 20g of fat, more than 20g of fiber.  However, my protein is lower than I wanted. I'm trying to shoot for more than 100 grams of protein per day.  

Today, I plan on a trip to Costco. I'll get a lot of walking in while I look for low-fat, high protein foods, bars, snack.  Any suggestions?

It's only day 2, but "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." ~Lao Tzu.

My journey to a leaner, skinnier, healthier body has begun.  Join me on my journey.

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