Thursday, January 28, 2021

Day 22 - January 28, 2021 - Another 4.6 pounds gone!!  It was another mostly good week for me.  It has been snowing almost everyday where I live, so I didn't get outside and move as much as I would have liked.  But I can't argue with a 4.6 pound loss .  I kept busy yesterday (and kept my mind off of food) by starting to do my taxes. I find when I distract my brain with other activities, it doesn't dwell or obsess about food.  I also drank a lot of water yesterday which made me pee a lot.  So, maybe some of that weight loss was water loss.   

I did have a homemade peanut butter cookie yesterday (103 calories).  I was way under my daily caloric limit, so I didn't feel guilty about it at all. What was fascinating is that after I finished eating it, I wasn't craving another one.  It was one and done.  Usually when I eat something really good and sweet, I want more.  Have you ever eaten a 1/2 of bag of cookies or chips and couldn't stop? Yeah, me too. But yesterday, one cookie was enough. 

I'm feeling good, I have spurts of energy with waves of cravings and hunger, but they fade when I start moving or start distracting my brain.  

Here's to another successful week!  On to week 4....

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Day 15 - January 21, 2021 - Week 2.  This has been a very difficult week for me.  First of all, my New Orleans Saints lost their playoff game.  Watching a football game means snacks and food, right?!?!  While I didn't feel deprived, I was craving my normal football snacks.  I resisted. I didn't 'cheat'!!  After the Saints lost, I wanted to eat some sort of comfort food.  I wanted to drown my sorrow in food.  I resisted. I persisted. I overcame the urge!  I didn't cheat.   

Then, yesterday, Joe Biden became our 46th President.  I watched the inauguration on television from sun up to sun down.  Again, it was another typical snacking scenario. I wanted to celebrate the day and the events with food.  Isn't that we usually do, celebrate with food?  It was a hard day.  I resisted, I persisted, I overcame.  So, today I stepped on the scale and I lost 3.4 pounds.  I feel like I should have lost more, but from history, I know week 2 of any diet is the week where people don't lose a lot of weight.  I think our bodies are adjusting and can't decide whether to store or burn fat..   Anyway, at the end of  2 weeks of dieting, I'm down 19.2 pounds!  That's fantastic!!  Here's to another week of a new beginning!!..

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Day 8 - January 14, 2021 - Week 1 WOW!!  Needless to say I was very happy when I saw the scale this morning.  I lost 15.8 pounds in week 1.   Good job me.  I know that in week 1 of any diet you lose a lot of water weight.  But water weight or not, I'm happy with the results. Week 2's weight loss is usually very low on diets, so this upcoming week I will focus on more exercise and more activity while keeping to my Nutrisystem diet plan. I'm gonna kick week 2's butt.  Have a GREAT DAY!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Day 7 - January 13, 2021 - I had a great workout today.  Last night we had a storm come through with very high winds.  Power was out for 10 hours.  When we woke this morning, we saw that the wind had split a 50 ft+ tree in our front yard and it was leaning on another tree.   So, I'm thinking, 'what a great way to get a good workout'.  I cut the split tree down, cut the trunk into 12-18" pieces to use for firewood and hauled it all to the wood stack in backyard.  Whew, I'm pooped!  It was a good cardio and strength workout.  Tomorrow is weigh day.  I'm expecting spectacular results.  Stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Day 6 January 12, 2021 - Last night was the worst night so far. I was feeling hungry and was craving sugar! I didn't succumb to the temptations though. I tried to keep busy to keep my mind off that ice cream I really wanted. I did go to bed feeling hungry, but I slept well and woke up this morning feeling great! I did a sneak weigh-in this morning too. Good news coming Thursday I'm sure on my official weigh in day!  

Richard on a Diet on FACEBOOK

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Day 4 and Doing Well!

Day 4. January 10, 2021-  I'm doing great. I don't have many cravings and my sugar withdrawal headaches are gone.  

I'm enjoying The Saints winning their playoff game.   

I guess I should mention that I'm currently doing Nutrisystem.  I've been on this diet before and have a bunch of leftover pre-packaged food.  I will stay on Nutrisystem until the leftover food is gone, then I will probably switch over to Atkins.  I lost weight with Nutrisystem in the past, but the food is so expensive that I can't purchase a new batch of food when my supply runs out.   I'll keep y'all posted! 

Friday, January 8, 2021

Day 1 & 2... So far, So good!

Day 1 went great! I kept myself busy taking down all of our Christmas decorations (which was A LOT).. Today has gone well too. I have a little headache from sugar withdrawal, but overall, I'm good.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

January 7, 2020 - Well, well, well.  It's been almost 6 years since I've actively posted about my weight loss journey here.  Needless to say, I've gained my weight back and more. During those 6 years I've been up, down, level and been on numerous diets.  So, here I am.  I'm 335.8 pounds on January 7, 2021. I'm beginning (for the last time) to get my weight down permanently.  My goal is 199 pounds.  I have a long road to travel.  I plan on documenting my progress, successes and failures on here for the world to see.  I will post progress pictures and update the weight loss chart weekly

I'd like everyone out there to take this journey with me, either as an observer or a participant.   Hopefully, my posts on this page will keep me on track and keep me motivated.

I want to hear your stories.  Hopefully, I can inspire you and you can inspire me. 

They say that diets are more successful if you diet with a buddy.  My friends and Facebook (, Twitter ( and Blog followers can be my diet buddies.  

So, let's go! Let's do this!  Today is the day my life will begin to change forever.