Thursday, February 18, 2021

Week 6 - Down 1.4 lbs.

 Week 6 - February 18, 2021 - This was lowest week loss since I've started my diet. I only loss 1.4 pounds.  Meh.  I guess it's better than that a gain, though, right?  Total weight lost is 32 pounds in 6 weeks.  So in 42 days, I lost 32 pounds.   Of course I want it to be faster, but slow and steady wins the race, right?  

Keep Smiling.. 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Week 5 - February 11, 2021

Week 5 - February 11, 2021 - Woohoo!  I had a great week this week.  I lost another 4.2 lbs for a total of 30.6 pounds in 5 weeks!  I'm so happy with the results.  What did I do different this week?  I'm running out of NutriSystem food, so I've been adding my own.  I'm still staying within my Calorie limits, but cooking more of my food.  I'm getting a lot of tips from my daughter who runs this Tik Tok account, CassieBFitness.  She follows a calorie deficit diet strategy. A calorie deficit diet is basically you eat less calories that your body burns, thus your body has to use your fat as fuel to make up the extra calories.  This is basically what NutriSystem is, a calorie restrictive diet. 

If you're interested, go to THIS SITE, to see how much you body burns daily.  It will show you how many calories to eat to lose 1, 2 or more pounds a week.  So, if I stay under this number of calories a day, I should lose weight.  And it seems to be working.  I'm buying low calorie foods and cooking more healthy with these foods.  I'm trying to find a good app to track my calorie intake.  That's one downfall of not eating pre-packaged food is that I have to weigh and count everything I eat to get the calorie count. No biggie.  The apps I use have a bar code scanner that helps tremendously. 

Until next week!  Smile everyday. You will feel better, I promise. 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

WEEK 4 and 26.4 Pounds GONE!

Week 4 - February 4, 2021 -  4 Weeks down and 26.4 pounds gone!!  I took this week's pictures in the same clothes I was wearing when I started my diet.  I'm pleased to see the differences.  

This past week I had a couple of days of cravings and temptations. I came through unscathed. The weather here has been cold and snowy, so I didn't get a lot of walking in.  

I'm also running out of Nutri-System food.  I think I have less than 2 weeks left.  I'm not going to buy more food from them.  I can't afford their program anymore.  So, when my food runs out, I'm going to switch my diet to Atkins - Low Carb.   I actually think it will be good to switch.  I've heard once you diet for a month or so, your body gets accustomed to the diet and decreases the weight loss.  So, switching it up to a completely new diet strategy may give my body a jolt to keep losing!  Time will tell.  I will let y'all know when I switch.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Day 22 - January 28, 2021 - Another 4.6 pounds gone!!  It was another mostly good week for me.  It has been snowing almost everyday where I live, so I didn't get outside and move as much as I would have liked.  But I can't argue with a 4.6 pound loss .  I kept busy yesterday (and kept my mind off of food) by starting to do my taxes. I find when I distract my brain with other activities, it doesn't dwell or obsess about food.  I also drank a lot of water yesterday which made me pee a lot.  So, maybe some of that weight loss was water loss.   

I did have a homemade peanut butter cookie yesterday (103 calories).  I was way under my daily caloric limit, so I didn't feel guilty about it at all. What was fascinating is that after I finished eating it, I wasn't craving another one.  It was one and done.  Usually when I eat something really good and sweet, I want more.  Have you ever eaten a 1/2 of bag of cookies or chips and couldn't stop? Yeah, me too. But yesterday, one cookie was enough. 

I'm feeling good, I have spurts of energy with waves of cravings and hunger, but they fade when I start moving or start distracting my brain.  

Here's to another successful week!  On to week 4....

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Day 15 - January 21, 2021 - Week 2.  This has been a very difficult week for me.  First of all, my New Orleans Saints lost their playoff game.  Watching a football game means snacks and food, right?!?!  While I didn't feel deprived, I was craving my normal football snacks.  I resisted. I didn't 'cheat'!!  After the Saints lost, I wanted to eat some sort of comfort food.  I wanted to drown my sorrow in food.  I resisted. I persisted. I overcame the urge!  I didn't cheat.   

Then, yesterday, Joe Biden became our 46th President.  I watched the inauguration on television from sun up to sun down.  Again, it was another typical snacking scenario. I wanted to celebrate the day and the events with food.  Isn't that we usually do, celebrate with food?  It was a hard day.  I resisted, I persisted, I overcame.  So, today I stepped on the scale and I lost 3.4 pounds.  I feel like I should have lost more, but from history, I know week 2 of any diet is the week where people don't lose a lot of weight.  I think our bodies are adjusting and can't decide whether to store or burn fat..   Anyway, at the end of  2 weeks of dieting, I'm down 19.2 pounds!  That's fantastic!!  Here's to another week of a new beginning!!..

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Day 8 - January 14, 2021 - Week 1 WOW!!  Needless to say I was very happy when I saw the scale this morning.  I lost 15.8 pounds in week 1.   Good job me.  I know that in week 1 of any diet you lose a lot of water weight.  But water weight or not, I'm happy with the results. Week 2's weight loss is usually very low on diets, so this upcoming week I will focus on more exercise and more activity while keeping to my Nutrisystem diet plan. I'm gonna kick week 2's butt.  Have a GREAT DAY!

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Day 7 - January 13, 2021 - I had a great workout today.  Last night we had a storm come through with very high winds.  Power was out for 10 hours.  When we woke this morning, we saw that the wind had split a 50 ft+ tree in our front yard and it was leaning on another tree.   So, I'm thinking, 'what a great way to get a good workout'.  I cut the split tree down, cut the trunk into 12-18" pieces to use for firewood and hauled it all to the wood stack in backyard.  Whew, I'm pooped!  It was a good cardio and strength workout.  Tomorrow is weigh day.  I'm expecting spectacular results.  Stay tuned.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Day 6 January 12, 2021 - Last night was the worst night so far. I was feeling hungry and was craving sugar! I didn't succumb to the temptations though. I tried to keep busy to keep my mind off that ice cream I really wanted. I did go to bed feeling hungry, but I slept well and woke up this morning feeling great! I did a sneak weigh-in this morning too. Good news coming Thursday I'm sure on my official weigh in day!  

Richard on a Diet on FACEBOOK

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Day 4 and Doing Well!

Day 4. January 10, 2021-  I'm doing great. I don't have many cravings and my sugar withdrawal headaches are gone.  

I'm enjoying The Saints winning their playoff game.   

I guess I should mention that I'm currently doing Nutrisystem.  I've been on this diet before and have a bunch of leftover pre-packaged food.  I will stay on Nutrisystem until the leftover food is gone, then I will probably switch over to Atkins.  I lost weight with Nutrisystem in the past, but the food is so expensive that I can't purchase a new batch of food when my supply runs out.   I'll keep y'all posted! 

Friday, January 8, 2021

Day 1 & 2... So far, So good!

Day 1 went great! I kept myself busy taking down all of our Christmas decorations (which was A LOT).. Today has gone well too. I have a little headache from sugar withdrawal, but overall, I'm good.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

January 7, 2020 - Well, well, well.  It's been almost 6 years since I've actively posted about my weight loss journey here.  Needless to say, I've gained my weight back and more. During those 6 years I've been up, down, level and been on numerous diets.  So, here I am.  I'm 335.8 pounds on January 7, 2021. I'm beginning (for the last time) to get my weight down permanently.  My goal is 199 pounds.  I have a long road to travel.  I plan on documenting my progress, successes and failures on here for the world to see.  I will post progress pictures and update the weight loss chart weekly

I'd like everyone out there to take this journey with me, either as an observer or a participant.   Hopefully, my posts on this page will keep me on track and keep me motivated.

I want to hear your stories.  Hopefully, I can inspire you and you can inspire me. 

They say that diets are more successful if you diet with a buddy.  My friends and Facebook (, Twitter ( and Blog followers can be my diet buddies.  

So, let's go! Let's do this!  Today is the day my life will begin to change forever.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

It's been a while.

Okay, I've been remiss in posting this last month or so.  Sorry.. I don't think many people are reading this anyway, so no big deal.  I went on my cruise to Cozumel, Grand Cayman Islands and Jamaica.  The cruise was fun, the food was great.  'nuff said about that.

Then I've been non-stop with my tv/movie stuff.  I was on or will be on, The Night Shift, Manhattan, Tina Fey's new movie (Title tentatively "Party House or Taliban Shuffle or 4-10-4"), A pilot for a TV show with Wesley Snipes called "End Game", A movie with Alex Skargard called "A War on Everyone". Another movie called "The Redemeers".  Plus I'm now booked for 2 1/2 weeks for Independence Day 2 (starts next week).. Busy busy busy.  BTW all these projects shoot in and around Albuquerque and Santa Fe.

Ok, so here we go.  After 36 weeks, I've lost 1/2 of my goal.  I'm down 70.9 pounds, with 70.6 pounds to go!  Things are going slowly, but I have to admit, I'm not as strict on my diet as I was when I began.  I'm allowing more carbs in my diet which is slowing my weight loss.

It's raining outside today, so no pictures of me.

Enjoy this shot of me with Brendan Fuhr and Eoin Macken of the Night Shift.  I'm the guy in the yellow blanket.  I played broken leg guy.  It was Season 2: Episode 8.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I made my prime time debut last night on NBC's "The Night Shift".. That blur coming through the emergency room door that talks to the security guard is me!!  I'm wearing the plaid shirt and jeans.  This was episode 4, I have a close-up part in episode 8!  This was shot in January.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Week 30

Week 30 - I lost another 1.7 pounds!  I'm just 1/2 pound short of 70 pounds lost.  I'm averaging 2.3 pounds a week. That's good, right?

If anyone is interested, I may be shown (as an extra) in tomorrow night's "The Night Shift" on NBC. (March 16, 2015).  I come in through the emergency room door and talk to a security guard.  While talking to the security guard, EMT's come in with a patient on a gurney and then a lady comes in with a service dog.  I don't remember what I was wearing and I'll probably just be a blur, but it's me!  I'll try to capture it, and post it.

Until next week...

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Week 29

Week 29 - It's been a few weeks since a post.  Did you miss me?

I haven't lost weight during those weeks, in fact I gained weight,  and didn't feel a need to post.  I was getting disappointed and discouraged.  But I trudged on.  I'm glad to report that I'm back and have lost more weight!  I'm at my lowest weight since starting this journey.  That's great news!

I have lost 4.3 pounds since last week with total of 67.8 pounds lost in 29 weeks!  That's encouraging.   I'm going on a cruise at the end of March and wanted to get down to 240 before the cruise. I'm not sure that's going to happen.  We'll see.

Onward.. Until Next week!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week 26

Week 26 - I didn't post last week because I gained .2 of a pound.  So, no news there. I didn't even take pictures.  This week I gained another .6 of a pound. Again, not much to write home about, but I couldn't let another week go without posting something.   I didn't want the ones of peoples who actually read this blog to worry about me. LOL.  So I posted this week.

So, what's going on?  I DON'T know!!  I did have 1 cheat day.  But I didn't over do it.  It was days ago.  I've started walking everyday with my dogs, so I'm getting more exercise.  I'm just scratching my head.  I'm a little bummed, but not discouraged.

I'm going on a cruise to Cozumel, Jamaica and the Caymen Islands at the end of March. I want to lose more weight before that.

It's onward and downward I hope.

Until Next Week...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week 24

Week 24 - It was a great week. I lost 2.7 lbs for a grand total of 66 pounds, All this is 6 months. I am averaging 2.8 lbs a week.  I'm really pleased with the results. Of course, I'd like it to be faster, but I think my results are very good.

Tomorrow I'm going to the set of a new Tina Fey movie where I'll be playing a Embassy Guest.  The movie is filming in New Mexico. Hopefully I'll be able to see Tina. I LOVE HERE.

It's Superbowl Sunday. I made a lot of Low-Carb food for today.  Just because it's a holiday or special day doesn't mean I can blow the diet!  I'm having Chorizo Stuffed Jalapeno's, Bacon Wrapped Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts, Bacon Deviled Eggs, and a cheese and vegetable plate with Ranch and Chipolte Ranch Dips.

Until next week...

Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 23

Week 23 - I'm a day late posting my weekly post.  I was in Roswell, NM to find little gray alien guys.  I went to the UFO museum there.  I was pleasantly surprised how well done and informative the museum was.  I expected a cheesy small tourist trap.  It only cost $5.00 to get in, so we said, 'what the heck'.  I'm glad we did. If you ever find yourself in Roswell, NM and are even just mildly interested in UFO's, stop at this place.

Ok, onto the weight.  I lost another 1.2 pounds! woohoo!  After last week's slight gain, I was really happy to see a loss this week. It's slow, but it's a loss.

I just booked a cruise yesterday for the end of March! I have a new incentive to loss more weight. I've got to get my cruise body ready to go. (LOL!).  We're leaving from New Orleans and going to Cozumel, Mexico, Jamaica, and the Cayman Islands.   We're spending 4 days in New Orleans before the cruise. It should be a blast!

As always, leave a comment.  Until next week!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Week 22

Week 22.  Well Dang, I gained almost a pound this week.  Frustrating? You bet.  Deal breaker? No WAY!!    I'm not going to post pictures this week, there's no change..  
+On an exciting note, I got cast as an Embassy Guest in a upcoming Tina Fey movie that's shooting in Albuquerque.. I'm excited!

-Untill Next Week.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Week 21

Week 21 - I didn't get a chance to post last week. I hope you didn't miss me. My son came into town from the Navy.  We celebrated the holidays a week late so he could be here and enjoy Christmas with us.  So, when I got on the scale today, I was happy.  I've finally broken into the 250's. and broke the 60 pounds lost mark.  I am almost 1/2 way to my goal of 140 pounds lost.  I've averaged 3 pounds lost a week for a total of 62.8 pounds in 21 weeks. I'm pleased.

Until Next week...