Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Fat March

Last night on ABC, FAT MARCH. LOVED IT!! Sooo inspiring! Made me want to go walking!

Catch it!


PS. I have to work Overtime tomorrow, so my numbers won't get posted for my weekly update until the evening. Sorry.


OH OH OH, I almost forgot. I was directed to this You Tube Video by someone who saw my video on You Tube. Check it out, It's REALLY good!.


  1. I found your page...no I'm not stalking you! LOL I just noticed that you joined SparkPeople. Come find our You: On A Diet team! I also noticed you are in Albuquerque! We also have a New Mexico Chileheads team! I'm in Las Cruces. You can find me at SparkPeople under DesertCats.

  2. Hi Rich! I watch little to no TV so I didn't catch that show but it looks like a good premise. That You Tube video was awesome! It is so inspiring!! I really like that spark people website; I have already talked to some awesome people. I am about half way through the book and I am loving it. I feel like I am learning so much and that inspires me! I have 16 days until our contest ends. As of last Friday, I was still in first place but its close so wish me luck.
    Have a great week!

  3. GOOD LUCK in the contest Stephanie!! You buying a round if you win??? lol. GO GET 'EM.

    Fellow New Mexicans, eh? WAY COOL... I AM going to the State Fair Next month and I AM having my favorite 'no-no' food. I wait all year for it.. mmmmm... lol



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